Supporting the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
The war in Ukraine continues to dominate our thoughts. Particularly those who have been displaced and been left to flee for their lives, grabbing what few possessions they can carry. We have been so pleased to be able to help some of our wonderful customers in raising funds by supplying whisky labels for Ukraine. Both Wolfburn Distillery and Silver Circle Distillery have done such amazing work to get fund raising off the ground so quickly.
Another beautiful, inspiring label produced by Label Apeel, contributing towards the Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Fund. We are proud to have digitally printed these stunning foiled drink labels, carefully hand applied onto the bottles. Just magnificent!

We are proud to have produced drink labels that are contributing towards the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal in support of Ukrainian refugees and displaced families. “Vodka For Ukraine”, simple yet so meaningful and expressive.

The team at Label Apeel have also come together and donated essential items for the people in need. All the support across the world is so heart-warming & we are honoured to be a part of it